North Town Veterinary Hospital — Veterinary Care in Brampton

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North Town Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary Care at 496 Main St N, Brampton, ON L6V 1P9, Canada, Brampton, Ontario, L6V 1P9 . Here you will find detailed information about North Town Veterinary Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

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Based on 6 reviews


496 Main St N, Brampton, ON L6V 1P9, Canada, Brampton, Ontario, L6V 1P9
L6V 1P9

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About North Town Veterinary Hospital

North Town Veterinary Hospital is a UK Veterinary Care based in Brampton, Ontario. North Town Veterinary Hospital is located at 496 Main St N, Brampton, ON L6V 1P9, Canada,

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Reviews of North Town Veterinary Hospital

  • Josephine
    Added 2016.01.03
    I would sincerely like to thank the staff at North Town, especially Dr. Merali for all their work and help getting my cat Rocket healthy again. Like most other reviews here, I will admit my bill was astronomical ($2300), but they also broke-down what each test was for and why it was needed. I would recommend to other potential visitors, make sure you understand what this facility is about before bring your pets here. THEY ARE NOT A REGULAR VET! THEY ARE AN ANIMAL HOSPITAL. Their prices reflect as much. My favorite thing was the actual compassion, warmth and in general just caring for the animals. Please keep up the excellent service. I will be back for sure.
  • Eleanor
    Added 2015.01.19
    Unfortunately I had a bad experience with this veterinary hospital. On a Friday night a simple 10 minutes assessment took a waiting period of just over 2 hours. After the first hour I was the only one person in the waiting area to see the veterinary doctor and yet they told me an emergency came in, prolonging my wait even longer although there had not been a single person walk in during this time. After being told every half hour or so that “it won’t be much longer! I am the next person in line”-well yeah, there’s no one else around!!!! This clinic needs to prioritize and communicate better. It was only until I expressed frustration that the vet “suddenly became available”- I can’t emphasize this sentence enough. The staff started off very friendly but quickly became short and easily agitated. It wasn’t a case where I kept constantly bothering them,I sat in the waiting area the entire time minding my own business, otherwise then it would be understandable. My suggestion is to make an appointment on the way in so you don't experience an extremely long wait and staff that are unable to communicate with you. And word of caution- LOOK at your bill and QUESTION everything they are charging you for. A $2000+ bill quickly got reduced down to $900-which in my opinion was still extremely high.
  • Dominic
    Added 2014.10.24
    Very impressed with the great service at this clinic! We have brought our family Whippets in for regular and emergency care and have been very happy with all the staff. Dr Omar Khan was especially helpful with an emergency surgery our dog needed on his eye. Happy to report he's doing great! Thank you to all the staff at North Town, I would highly recommend them.
  • Aiden
    Added 2014.10.11
    I will not be returning ever to this vet and I will be letting everyone I know not to go to this vet. I got sent here to have care for my cat and it was nothing but problems. I was at my vet who doesn't have overnight care and was sent here which was fine at the time. I was suppose to transfer my cat and then Northtown would be continuing care just for the night hours. My vet sent me on the transfer with the IV bags needed for her as well as she was already hooked up to her IV. She at this time I was told was getting medicine every hour to two hours I believe. I got quoted $300 for my cat to stay the night but when I arrived at Northtown they said it was over $900. Okay fine I did not have the full $900 but would be bringing it in the morning when I pick her up. I did however have all the money I was quoted for and some more but just needed the couple hours to go home and get the rest as I didn't live around there. They would not touch my cat until I paid upfront. It took about 3 hours until the time I was able to get the payment made and in which case my cat missed medication and was sitting there with me while I cried and trying to figure this out real quick. During this time my cat's breathing slowed even more and I was in a panic. All that was said to me was "she's a cute cat, and we need payment" pretty much. After all this and they finally took her in, i went home and was picking her up in the morning to bring her home to my vet. During the night I was told to call and I could get updates. Which I did and every time I did no one could tell me anything and just said you will get a call or call back. I stayed up and went back to get her the second my vet opened up in the morning. After all this I had ended up having to put my cat down 2 days later as she wasn't recovering. When I did bring her there she had made progress and after that one night there she stopped. The people at this vet did not seem like they cared in the least for their patients they really only seemed like they wanted money. I get that you need to be paid, and anyone who loved their pet will do anything they can to get treatment, but the way they treated us was not acceptable. I for certain will be making sure people know not to go there or at least tell my story so they know what they could get into if going there. But looking at reviews and looking into this vet more so now I see that I'm not the first person to have this type of issue, I wish I would of known beforehand because I wouldn't have wasted my cat's time and my money on this Vet.
  • Everett
    Added 2014.08.01
    Front desk was super kind and helpful though. Made you feel comfortable in times of need.
  • Ella
    Added 2014.01.27
    (around a decade ago) Imagine being a 15 year old and having a really ill cat and not knowing what is wrong with it. Then you bring him to a vet for a check up and the doctor suggests that you need all these tests including an xray, some shots, etc etc., making you worried and thinking that is what's best for him. 800 dollar bill for everything when in the end we just needed some antibiotics and fluids (which totalled ~100 of the 800) in the end. Really wish they didn't pray on the love of owners and have you do worthless tests to hike up the bill.
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